2024 Workforce Webinars

2024 Workforce Webinars

In celebration of Careers in Aging Month 2024, FHCA's Workforce Webinar Series offers solutions to help address the staffing challenges that nursing centers and assisted living facilities are experiencing today. During these on-demand webinars, leaders in the field share practical approaches to workforce development through community collaboration, how the Quality Award journey can support employee recruitment and engagement, tips for alleviating burnout to improve your center's culture and bottom line, and a review of the QMA training competencies to prepare for implementation of this program. 

The following webinars are available on-demand.

  • Building Bridges, Changing Lives: A Practical Approach to Workforce Development and Community Collaboration
  • Building Teamwork, Motivation and Communication to Strengthen Your Workforce: The Quality Award Ripple Effect
  • Overtime, Burnout, Turnover: Strategies to Improve Your Center’s Culture and Bottom Line
  • From CNA to QMA and Other Legislative Updates to Support LTC Career Advancement

COST: Free to FHCA Members

Sponsored By: 


Lisa Chamness and Maria Darby

Dwyer Workforce Development

Kelly Smith

Q3 Healthcare Consulting

Jennifer Ziolkowski

Q3 Healthcare Consulting

Evan Kuo


Susan Anderson

Director of Regulatory Affairs

Florida Health Care Association

Susan Anderson currently serves as the Director of Regulatory Affairs for Florida Health Care Association. In this position, she concentrates on supporting the legislative, regulatory, and policy activities on behalf of association members for nursing centers and assisted living facilities. Ms. Anderson has experience in seniors housing and in developing public policy positions and advising on regulatory compliance. Ms. Anderson is an active member of the Florida Bar.


FHCA Workforce Webinar Series: Building Bridges, Changing Lives: A Practical Approach to Workforce Development and Community Collaboration
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Download the recording via Zoom. Successful hiring experiences for the job seeker, as well as the employer, come when there is a collaborative approach and strategic alliance for all partners involved. In this webinar, the team from Dwyer Workforce Development will discuss how their wraparound services break barriers for those lacking opportunities, driven by powerful partnerships with local workforce boards and educational institutions. Attendees will also learn how Dwyer’s training services, case management and job placement support can help providers assess and address recurring contributions to turnover.
Building Bridges, Changing Lives: A Practical Approach to Workforce Development and Community Collaboration Handouts
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Presentation Materials
FHCA Workforce Webinar Series: Building Teamwork, Motivation and Communication to Strengthen Your Workforce: The Quality Award Ripple Effect
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Download the recording via Zoom. The pursuit of quality is a constant in long term care, and the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program is a framework for a better resident experience and quality of life. It also enables staff to work better and smarter, strengthens team building and encourages employee enthusiasm and engagement. Join the team at Q3 Healthcare Consulting to learn how to develop your workforce to its full potential through the Quality Award journey. Kelly Smith and Jennifer Ziolkowski will discuss how the Baldrige Excellence Framework®, which is the foundation of the National Quality Awards, can help support your center's processes for strengthening and stabilizing staffing, and recruiting and retaining motivated employees, all of which can lead to improved quality care.
Building Teamwork, Motivation and Communication to Strengthen Your Workforce: The Quality Award Ripple Effect Handouts
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Presentation Materials
FHCA Workforce Webinar Series: Overtime, Burnout, Turnover: Strategies to Improve Your Center’s Culture and Bottom Line
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Download the recording via Zoom. Turnover rates are on the rise as overworked, fatigued caregivers depart for other industries or communities offering standard operating schedules. Backfilling turnover positions takes away critical time, money, and resources that are essential to helping alleviate staff fatigue and maintaining a positive work environment to support quality care and happy, healthy residents. In this webinar, Evan Kuo of KARE Technologies will reveal results from multiple studies conducted by KARE that will give you actionable insights on how to combat burnout and turnover and decrease your overtime costs to help improve your center’s culture and bottom line.
Overtime, Burnout, Turnover: Strategies to Improve Your Center’s Culture and Bottom Line Handouts
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Presentation Materials
FHCA Workforce Webinar Series: From CNA to QMA and Other Legislative Updates to Support LTC Career Advancement
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Download the recording via Zoom. Qualified Medication Aides (QMA) offer a career ladder for experienced CNAs, while also giving nurses the ability to focus on higher-level caregiving in the skilled nursing center. In this webinar, FHCA's Susan Anderson will review the foundations of the QMA program, including the minimum training requirements and allowable vs non-allowable services that can be provided by a QMA, along with resources available to assist nursing centers with integrating the QMA role into your staffing. Attendees will also learn about Senator Kathleen Passidomo’s Live Healthy initiative and other proposals that passed out of the 2024 session that will impact the long-term care workforce.
From CNA to QMA and Other Legislative Updates to Support LTC Career Advancement Handouts
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Presentation Materials